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Health and Wellbeing

B.K.S. Iyengar realised early in his life as a yoga teacher that the poses which he had been taught as a boy were only accessible to the young and the fit. He therefore made modifications to the poses, sometimes using props, to enable even those who had restrictions in the body to access the benefits of the asanas (poses), safely and with ease. He was able to adapt the syllabus he developed for all abilities. That said, it is still the responsibility of everyone to take care of themselves prior to, during and after any yoga taught with qualified teachers. Teachers, like Lorraine, qualified in the Iyengar method can assess students’ needs and offer props and alternatives to suit individual conditions and abilities. It is important that students understand the risks and keep their teacher informed of any changes to their health, either from injury or medical condition. 


The Student Health Questionnaire should be completed when beginning a programme of practice with Lorraine Moore Yoga. Further updates should be emailed or given to the teacher via the contacts form.

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